Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Catch-up Post

Has it really been since August?

What's happened? The Eagles didn't win that last Derby, nor did they win last night's. However, they are improving and rebuilding and I expect that my patience will be duly rewarded at some stage - please let it be soon.

Bloke and I got married, which was all very lovely, but a freezing cold day. Everything went off without a hitch - most guests got hammered and had fun, so a good time was had by all. I managed to get through it all without having a major blow up with my parentals, so that was a bonus. Our honeymoon was lovely, but not long enough.

Changing my surname with everyone has been a nightmare - not so much the changing it - but the perfecting of my new signature. I feel like I'm retarded every time I sign something - I feel like asking for a scrap piece of paper to practice on. My Vicroads licence looks like it was signed by a window-licker, and I have to put up with that one until 2018, so I'm not real happy about that. I wonder how long it takes before it's second nature?

Bloke and I went fishing on Easter Monday - Kerford Road pier in Albert Park, if you must know. It was very early in the day, and there was very little in the way of fish being caught. Just as I was getting bored - Bloke was well past the boredom threshold and was wanting to go home - I hooked a fish. Bastard fought me to the death, but I won, and took home a 65cm elephant fish. This fish was the ugliest thing ever - Google image it if you don't believe me - but he was quite tasty on the BBQ that night. I froze the rest of him for later consumption.

Bloke is not a keen fisherman and, for me, going fishing with him is like going fishing with a 4 year old. He doesn't like to bait his own hooks, he can't rig his own line, and if he's not getting "nibbles" immediately, he loses interest. All that said, the fact that he's willing to come with me occasionally, and help carry all the associated paraphernalia, makes me very happy. The fact that he's willing to do something that he doesn't enjoy, just because he knows I love it. Perhaps I will have to go to a basketball match this year.

I went fishing to the same place again this morning, as Bloke was at work earning money to pay his speeding fine, but I didn't catch anything for dinner. Oh well, there's always next time.

Other than that, it's been very quiet in Reservoir.