Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Backyard Blitz Update

Well, tired of waiting and waiting (this has been going on for nearly 2 years now), I SMS'd our landlord to ask whether we are going to be invited to renew our lease, and when works are likely to commence on our backyard. The reply I got back went something along the lines of "I don't have time to dedicate to the problem now {this is despite the fact that this is not a new problem} but if you guys would like to come up with some ideas about what you want to do, I would be willing to spend up to 3K on the backyard".

So, punters, any ideas? There is no access to the backyard from anywhere else but the house, ie no side gate etc, so all materials and resultant rubbish will need to be carted in and out via our house.

We don't want anything fancy, but something functional would be good. I was thinking those big concrete pavers (900 x 900mm) with mondo grass in between them to soften it. The killer is that Bloke is very much against doing the work ourselves, as ultimately, it isn't our house, and we shouldn't be doing something to improve the resale value of the property, when it should be up to the landlord to be doing this.

Other than that, we're heading to Williamstown on Saturday night, as we've never been there before. Anyone know of a good fish and chips place down there?


Bejeweled said...

I don't have much to say except I see you've been showing up on my blog a few times and I noticed you've put me on your blog roll too. Just wanted to say awww, and thanks! Hope to hear from ya sometime. Love the blog.

hawkeye23 said...

Thanks bejeweled. Are you still snowed in?

Martie said...

Your landlord sounds like a dick.

I wouldn't do anything until the lease is signed - then if you have to do it yourself, do it as basic as possible.

I like the idea of the pavers, and the grass. To brighten it up, put some bright flowers in pots and place them strategically around, so you can take them with you when you go.

Or at least, this is what I do.

OR - you could put a giant carved seal in there like I've got...

hawkeye23 said...

martie, the landlord isn't a dick, his intentions are good, it's just that he doesn't want to spend time to get it all happening. We're not going to worry about it until after Christmas, who can be arsed doing anything prior to that?

phishez said...

Maybe if you could put up a sketch of your backyard, with stuff you can't change, like trees and the clothesline. Then we'd be able to brainstorm.

hawkeye23 said...

Good idea, maybe I'll have a go at it in MS paint when I get home :S