Monday, November 06, 2006

Flatpack Furniture Gives You Blisters

Well, we had a win with getting the tallboy and bedsides in the Bombadore, as the stuff was flatpacked.

The instructions were easy enough to follow, so I started assembling the first bedside on Saturday night (I'm such a raging party animal, aren't I?). All that was required from the toolbox was a hammer and a Philips head screwdriver, which is good, as our toolbox is very limited. 3/4 of an hour later, I have assembled the bedside, and have a blister about an inch long on my thumb. Oh joy.

We rose about 8am yesterday and headed to the Pipeworks markets, as neither of us had been there before. Did a couple of bogan laps around there, then headed to Northcote Golf Course so Bloke could have a hit. I walked the course with him, which was a pleasant way to while away a couple of hours, before enjoying a late lunch and heading home to put the other bedside together.

Putting the second bedside together wasn't as easy as the first, as I had my sore paw to contend with, but I got it together while Bloke was whippersnippering the jungle of weeds that passes as our backyard. I contemplated putting the tallboy together, but by this stage my thumb was very painful, and I made the executive decision to put it together tomorrow (thumbs up to the public holiday for a horse race, btw) while Bloke is watching the races on TV. Now, you may be wondering why I was putting furniture together, instead of Bloke.... he's really not a handyman, which he made me aware of up front, when we first got together. As long as he's there to tighten screws that are too hard for me to do, I'm happy. Plus, I really get a buzz out of being able to do this stuff for myself.

Bloke then cleaned his barbecue while I organised the salad for dinner, then we relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Another enjoyable and productive Old Fart's Weekend.


Rebecca said...

I too enjoy putting flat packs together. It's kind of like lego for grown ups.

phishez said...

I love assembling furniture. It always gets left for me to do. Theres something so satisfying about having an unidentified box, then turning it into junk everywhere (where the fuck have I put the 8mm screws?). And magically it all comes together in about 4 seconds and BAM! Furniture.

hawkeye23 said...

Lego for grownups it is indeed. Still doesn't make my blister hurt any less though :(

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Restless: you've become your parents!!

hawkeye23 said...

Yeah, thanks HMHB. I had suspected as much :(

Steph said...

I'm utter shite at putting that crap together. It took me nearly two weeks to get my IKEA dining table right.

Never again.

Marcheline said...

Words I don't know:

1. Bombadore - I assume that's not someone who really loves missiles.

2. bogan - Does that mean someone who lives somewhere fictitious?

3. whippersnipper - at first I thought this word meant a hair trimmer for you private parts, but then I read this post and now I'm assuming it's some sort of herbal torture device...

Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated!

- M

hawkeye23 said...

Marcheline, ha ha ha, allow me to clarify again.

1. A Bombadore is a slang term for our car. The brand name is Commodore, but since the car is 11 years old, replacing the "Comm" with "Bomb" is probably more accurate.
2. A bogan is kind of like trailer trash, but generally their houses don't have wheels underneath. A higher class of trailer trash. Kinda.
3. Whippersnipper = weedwhacker (I think).