Monday, November 20, 2006

We're Going to the Zoo, zoo, zoo; How About You, you, you?

That's right folks, at the ripe old ages of 35 and 30 respectively, Bloke and I headed off to the zoo yesterday. Hot as buggery, kids everywhere, but what can you do?

Bloke has decided he wants a meerkat as a pet, I want a platypus. The new elephant enclosure is awesome, I must say.

Other than that, nothing exciting happened on the weekend.


Martie said...

I wanted to do the camping out at the zoo thing, but it'd be just my luck that lions, snakes, etc would escape that night and eat me.

Rebecca said...

Hi Restless
So cool. You could either get the meerkat and platypus to breed, making some weird mutant off spring. Or just get them to fight to the dead. Either way, I'd buy a ticket to the event. :-)

Kate said...

haha zoo snooze. I wanna do that too martie!

Trundling Grunt said...

You can't have one meerkat, can you? I thought you had to have a whole colony to get all the head bobbing bit going.