Friday, October 06, 2006

How Did I Become so Old Without Noticing?

When exactly did becoming old happen? How did I make the transition from being a chick who spends Friday night after work at the pub, consuming way too many adult beverages and missing the last train out of Flinders Street, to the chick who does the grocery shopping, orders takeaway and curls up on the couch on Friday night? How did I not notice this major lifestyle shift? Am I the only person who's experienced this?

Surfing the interwebs in my trackies and knitted slippers just seems to be a much more enjoyable option than standing in a smoky pub, drinking overpriced beverages and watching junior sluts in training who are half my age throwing themselves at anyone who will look sideways at them. Too much effort for too little return, is the way I see it.

Oh well, off to check the form guide for tomorrow.


cassino said...

I know I felt old when one of the girls at work was doing the same thing I did and was eleven years younger than me. She would have been two when the Berlin Wall came down, and to her, John Howard would have always been PM...

Also, another girl at work, this time only nine years younger, is always talking about the perfect wedding, how she would love to have kids, and her favourite colour is pink. I sometimes feel like saying to her to get some life experience.

Most of all though, I think I feel old when I listen to the music of the yoof today and realise I haven't really taken a shine to any band that has broken in the last five years or so.

hawkeye23 said...

Most of all though, I think I feel old when I listen to the music of the yoof today and realise I haven't really taken a shine to any band that has broken in the last five years or so.

I know what you mean, chunukbair. What is with all the emo-type bands around? Why does all music these days have to be about artistic expression and angst? What ever happened to fun?

Dirk said...

Where are these pubs?
I'm a strong believer in research.

hawkeye23 said...

Where are these pubs?
I'm a strong believer in research.

dirk, in the name of research, I can tell you that the Fiddler Tavern on Lt Collins st does 2 for 1's on a Friday night between 5 & 7. Pugg Mahone's in Hardware Lane is normally pretty good for perving on junior skanks, as is the Duke of Wellington.

Martie said...


Fiddler's is our pub of choice for after work drinks....

hawkeye23 said...

martie, you're obviously a chick of discerning and sophisticated nature, not to mention budget-conscious.

I will avoid the Fiddler in future though, due to its now close proximity to Krispy Kreme. No good can come of that place for me, although their doughnuts are very excellent.

Mars said...

OMD!!!1!! MARTIE, i am totally right behind you! (or atleast will be on friday night..)

hello hawkey, spanks for the link eh.. I like what you've got going here. So many comments to early on - nice work!

hawkeye23 said...

hello hawkey, spanks for the link eh.. I like what you've got going here. So many comments to early on - nice work!

Thanks mars. Bloke isn't too happy with my latest installment about him enjoying the vibrate function on his mobile, but meh, what can you do?