Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Unhygienic Ferals and Public Transport are a Bad Combination

What is with some people?

This morning, I'm on the 6.54am from Reservoir. It all starts relatively normal. A young schoolboy (I'm guessing 11 or 12) gets on the train. The train isn't packed, not even close. This kid comes and sits IN THE SEAT RIGHT NEXT TO ME! What is that about? Leave a space!

I have my MP3 player (nerd machine) set on 32, so it's pretty loud. Soon (about Preston station) I can hear this sniffing sound over the music. It's the schoolkid. I offer him a tissue, which he declines. Fine, I kept reading my Cleo.

The sniffing intensifies. I glare at the kid (effectiveness somewhat reduced by my sunglasses). The snot then starts dripping out of this kid (who has declined my kind, but self motivated, offer of a tissue). Unperturbed, the kid uses his hand to wipe the snot away, then rubs the result on the leg of his uniform, WHICH IS TOUCHING MY SKIRT!!!! Oh no, you fucking don't!!!!

I snap "Do not wipe your filthy snot on me, you animal" and move away. Melbourne Central station couldn't arrive fast enough.

What is with people?


Steph said...

Oh noes! See this is why i hate people.
I'm going to buy myself a bubble and live in that.

hawkeye23 said...

A bubble you say? Where can one purchase such a thing?

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Steph's had a bad day, you need to be nice to her!

The day I left London 15 years ago was the day I vowed I would never use public transport of any type again....and your post has just reminded me exactly why!


Marcheline said...

Hey - I know, I'm a victim of the same curse. Mostly in movie theaters. My hubby and I will pick seats in a completely empty theater (usually on a Tuesday night, since that seems to be the emptiest) and if one other couple walks in, BAM - they're either right in front of us, behind us, or alongside. Irks the shite out of both of us.

What IS it with people?

- M

P.S. Thanks for listing my blog! Happy surprise!

hawkeye23 said...

marcheline - he he he. I attract all sorts of weirdos in public places. Who ignores the "leave a space" rule on purpose?