Friday, October 06, 2006

Links at the side

Ooohhh. Looky here. I can add links to my favourite other sites.

It's a good thing I can bullshit my way through HTML coding. It was virtually painless.

My partner, who henceforth shall be known as Bloke, is bored at work, and apparently assumes that everyone else is as well. We're off to the races at Flemington tomorrow, so he's ringing me constantly regarding the logistics of the day, which horses he's going to back, etc. Bloke is very excited as it will be his first time in the Member's enclosure. He's purchased his suit and tie, and is all ready to go. I, on the other hand, am trying to tie up a few loose ends at work prior to some lunchtime refreshments. Speaking of which, look at the time!


Napoleon said...

I lost my blog virginity a month ago, and how easy is the HTML on blogger? Ace. I'm going to put your blog on my linkies now I know how.

Your blog is cool.

hawkeye23 said...

Thanks me. I didn't think anyone would even look at this thing, I just started it as yet another way to be unproductive at work. I'm glad someone likes it.