Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Technoretard Catches up with Modern Life

Bloke has discovered the vibrate function on his mobile phone. Quite how, I'm not sure, but he has decreed that henceforth, all communication between us during office hours should be via text message rather than email. I'm pretty sure he's stashing the phone in his pocket and is getting a cheap thrill every time a message comes in. I have visions of him sitting at his desk, furiously dialling his mobile from his office phone and his eyes glassing over/rolling back in cheap pleasure. Some people are so easily amused.


Update!!! Bloke has discovered that if he doesn't open SMS messages straight away, his phone vibrates periodically. He's decreed that he's not answering SMS messages ever again. I told him he is a loser.


Steph said...

I'm a huge fan of vibrate alert.
It's all about the cheap buzz...haaha. Yes i'm lame. So what.

hawkeye23 said...

Bloke reckons it makes him all "tingly".... I send him an email and he replies with "please send on SMS in correct format".

I think I've been superseded for a frikking phone :(

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Hawkeye, first of all thanks for the linkage, I am returning the favour! Don't worry about being superceded by the phone, men have been replaced by much worse!

Just ask Steph, she's got a huge collection!


hawkeye23 said...

halfmanhalfbeer, welcome, pull up a pew. He bloody loves that phone. I will have to make some adjustments to it. It is becoming unhealthy for him.

hawkeye23 said...

mark, I think Bloke'd die of shame walking into an adult entertainment store.